V893 Sco outburst continues The outburst of the eclipsing dwarf nova below the gap continues! Time-resolved photometry (inside and outside eclipses) are strongly encouraged!! YYYYMMDD(UT) mag observer 20000523.790 <140 (B. Monard) 20000524.419 <139 (P. Williams) 20000525.826 <146 (B. Monard) 20000525.830 <146 (B. Monard) 20000526.819 144 (B. Monard) 20000527.819 147 (B. Monard) 20000528.719 <140 (B. Monard) 20000529.753 127 (B. Monard) 20000530.460 127 (R. Stubbings) 20000530.497 127 (R. Stubbings) Regards, Taichi Kato VSNET Collaboration team