Dear Colleagues, To date, the number of the data sent to us from VSNET XTE J1118+480 collaborators reaches over 20000 points (Thanks for all!), and some data is now under reduction. The light curve including all data currently we have is available at: Using a part of them, we made the averaged light curves from the end of April to now. In this figure, we can see relatively sharp humps moving on the sinusoidal curve. This will be confirmed with the observations in future. The phase-averaged light curves are available at: The object began slow decline, but is still bright. More time-series observations are strongly encouraged. It is rain at Kyoto tonight and last night. On 24 and 25 May, we had a successful observation on XTE J1118+480 and CI Cam. Regards, Makoto Uemura on behalf of VSNET collaboration team