BD Pav rare outburst As reported by Pearce and Stubbings, the SS Cyg-type dwarf nova BD Pav is undergoing one of its relatively rare outbursts. The last reported outburst of BD Pav occurred in 1998 November. According to Barwig (Astron. Astrophs. 124, 287, 1983), the object is a grazing eclipser (depth 0.5 mag) with a period of 0.1793015 d. Time-resolved photometry is strongly encouraged to record the development of eclipses during outburst (the seasonal condition, however, is less adequate for long time-series). The object will be included in the VSNET campaign targets. Please post your findings and the progress of observations. YYYYMMDD(UT) mag observer 20000513.860 <152 (A. Pearce) 20000519.826 <143 (A. Pearce) 20000520.753 <148 (A. Pearce) 20000522.826 <150 (A. Pearce) 20000524.508 <140 (R. Stubbings) 20000525.810 150 (A. Pearce) 20000526.656 138 (R. Stubbings) 20000526.809 143 (A. Pearce) 20000526.878 140 (A. Pearce) Regards, Taichi Kato