(fwd) X-ray and Radio Emission of Young Stars ========================================= "X-ray and Radio Emission of Young Stars" ========================================= July 28 - 29, 2003 Tachikawa-Hall, Rikkyo University 3-34-1 Toshima-ku Nishi-Ikebukuro, Tokyo, 171-8501, Japan Contact: S. Kitamoto Tel 81-3-3985-2419 Fex 81-3-3985-2418 Email: kitamoto@rikkyo.ne.jp First Announcement The Workshop on "X-ray and Radio Emission of Young Stars" will be held at the Tachikawa Hall in Rikkyo University, on July 28-29, 2003. This workshop will focus on the recent progress of the star formation and the activity of young stars, especially in X-ray and Radio wavelengths. We will review our current understanding and discuss next challenge for the forthcoming satellite missions and new radio observatories. Registration This workshop is supported by Rikkyo University and the Japan-German collaboration program. The registration fee is free. However, participants must inform us of your schedule (name, affiliation, days of participation, attendance of banquet, and title and abstract (200word) for the presentation if you like to contribute). Although the oral presentations will be mainly given by the invited speakers, we may accept a limitted number of contributed papers for oral or poster presentations depending on the time available. Please send me the registration form via an e-mail or a FAX according to the attached format. The due date for the request of the presentation is 15, May, 2003. Workshop Banquet We are planning to have a workshop banquet on the Monday evening (July 28). We request the banquet fee of \4,000 at the registration desk. Please tell us your attendance as soon as possible for the preparation of the banquet. Proceedings The workshop proceedings will be published as both a hard copy style and electric style. The speaker should prepare the manuscript for the camera-ready style and/or PDF (or PS) file, after the workshop. Copies of the presentation (transparency, power point file and so on) are not accepted. Accommodations Since Rikkyo University is in the center of Tokyo, there are lots of Hotels. The information of nearby hotels is listed as follows. 1) Hotel URBAN (WWW.hotelurban.co.jp) ~\7,800/night TEL/FAX 81-3-3980-2051/81-3-3980-7901 2) Ikebukuro Center City Hotel (http://www.icch.co.jp/) ~\8,000/night TEL/FAX 81-3-3985-1311,81-3-3980-7001 3) Hotel Clarion Tokyo (http://www.clariontokyo.com/) ~\12,000/night TEL/FAX 81-3-5396-0111, 81-3-5396-9815 4) Hotel Starplaza Ikebukuro (http://www.star-hotel.co.jp/indexj.html) TEL/FAX 81-3-3590-0005, 81-3-5992-0005 ~\8,000/night If you contact us and inform your schedule, we can arrange and reserve your room. The current invited people are Katsuji Koyama (Kyoto), Ralph Neuhaeuser (AIU Jena), Yasuo Fukui (Nagoya), Shigeo Yamauchi(Iwate), Shinichiro Takagi (Kyoto) , Nicolas Grosso(Grenoble),Yohko Tsuboi (Chuo Univ), Kengo Tachihara(AIU Jena), Akira Mizuno(Nagoya), Toshikazu Ohnishi (Nagoya), Masayuki Itoh (Kobe), Hideki Ozawa (Saclay) , Kenji Hamaguchi(NASA/GSFC), Guenther Wuchterl (MPE), Delphine Porque (MPE) ================================================== Registration format "X-ray and Radio Emission of Young Stars" July 28 - 29, 2003, Tachikawa-Hall, Rikkyo University Name: Affiliation: Address: E-mail: Tel/Fax: Scheduled Days: Banquet: Do you like to do presentation: yes or no If you like to do presentation: Title: Abstract (less than 200 words): Please send us this form via an e-mail or FAX, before 15, May, 2003. e-mail : kitamoto@rikkyo.ne.jp FAX : 81-3-3985-2418 ===============================================
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