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[vsnet-campaign-v838mon 402] Re: (fwd) V838 Mon BVR images

Nice images.  Note that the current magnitudes of
V838 Mon are 17:16:14:10 for B:V:R:I, so if you
want to do proper photometry, you need to increase the
exposure times for your B and V images.  By the time
you get to z' or redwards into JHK, the central star is
so bright that the light-echo is difficult to see.  I've
placed an example z' image from 021108 on

Taichi Kato wrote:
> From: DWest61506@aol.com
> Date: Fri, 8 Nov 2002 19:58:08 EST
> Subject: [vsnet-campaign-nova 1144] V838 Mon BVR images
> The following URL goes to images of V838 Mon taken through B, V, and Rc 
> filters with the 0.81 m Tenagra telescope.  The light echo is barely visible 
> in B and quite distinct in Rc.
> http://members.aol.com/dwest61506/page37.html
> Regards,
> Doug West
> http://hometown.aol.com/dwest61506/index.html

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