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[vsnet-campaign-v838mon 385] V838 Mon Getting Brighter in Ic Band

Doug West wrote:
>...My Ic band photometry 
>also indicates (see below) that V838 Mon is
>getting brighter in the near IR.  A simple linear fit to the observations 
>indicates the brightening is occurring at a rate of 0.008 mag/day.

  I confirm this brightening:
  UTD     V     Rc     Ic
020902  16.50  14.81  11.21
020925  15.87  14.42  10.92

A pure linear fit indicates 0.013mag/day for Ic, about what Doug sees.

On the other hand, don't think that the IR photometry brightening reported
in IAUC 7976 reflects this recent increase, since the nova underwent
its second/third outbursts in February and the IR magnitudes did most
of their brightening at that time.

Again, notice the difference between Doug's Ic and my Ic.  This is
due to the red tail on the Bessell filters used by most amateurs
(just fine for normal objects, but systematic errors occur with
pathological red things like this).

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