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[vsnet-campaign-v838mon 309] V838 Mon and M31 V1006/7


If one puts V838 Mon in Andromeda galaxy, its B magnitude in maximum
will be 17.8 (with the distance and reddening by Zwitter and Munari, 2002,
IAU Circ. No.7812) or 18.9 (with our photometric E(B-V)=0.45 and d=1.7 kps).

From GCVS-V Nova 1988 V1006/7 in M31 is known to have unusual M0Ia 
spectrum. It had maximum brightness of 18.2 B. Analisys of spectrum 
in the paper by R.M.Rich et al., 1989 ApJ 341, L51 shows that it is a 
copy of the spectrum of V838 Mon, including BaII, NaI and Li 6707A lines. 
Sharov (1990, Russian Pis'ma v Astr. Journal v.16, 199) has discovered 
the second outburst of that nova in 1968.

The investigators of that nova were solving the same problems as we now.
V1006/7 was classified both as a classical nova, and as an Lc variable
in different papers. Confused authors of GCVS-V included this star
twice in the list with two different classifications, but equal
positions (see errata to GCVS-V).

Taking into account the proximity of these stars, the search of old
archives is of interest.

Goranskij V.P., Sternberg Institute12~ in SAO, Russia, 2002 Mar 29. 

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