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[vsnet-campaign-v838mon 291] (fwd) V838 Mon observations
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2002 17:37:02 -0700
From: Thom Gandet <tgandet@mindspring.com>
Subject: Re: [vsnet-campaign-v838mon 282] V838 Mon started fading slowly?
Dear Taichi,
Here are BVRI observations of V838 Mon made with the Lizard
Hollow Observatory 28-cm Beardsley SCT and ST-7E:
20020312.178 8.83B (Thom Gandet)
20020312.182 7.11V (Thom Gandet)
20020312.183 6.48R (Thom Gandet)
20020312.184 5.81I (Thom Gandet)
Kind regards,
Thom Gandet
Lizard Hollow Observatory
Thomas L. Gandet
PO Box 77021
Tucson, AZ 85703-7021 USA