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[vsnet-campaign-v838mon 62] V838 Mon seems still slowly brightenning

Dear all,

I must stop my run on V838 Mon because of very dense fog in the Brno,
Czech Rep. I have obtained almost 400 CCD frames between 2002 Feb. 04.74
and 2002 Feb. 04.82 (UT). The star has brightened of about 0.015 mag
linearly (it seems to be the same as yesterday). The total range of
changes during my observations is 7.21 - 7.18 mag. So, V838 Mon
brightenning slowly contiue!I use Henden comparison star V= 10.707 (GSC

Note that difference between CCD V filtered data and posted visual
observations is almost equal to zero. It is caused by B-V index which is
two times smaller then it was two days before!

I also calculate following averaged data:

20020204.74   7.21V  P. Sobotka
20020204.82   7.18V  P. Sobotka

Best regards,

Petr Sobotka

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