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[vsnet-campaign-v4641sgr 51] [FWD] Radio observations of V4641 Sgr

>Date: Sun, 26 May 2002 12:42:39 +1000 (EST)
From: Bob Sault <Bob.Sault@atnf.csiro.au>
Subject: Radio observations of V4641 Sgr

The Australia Telescope Compact Array made radio observations of V4641
Sgr on 24 and (briefly) 25 May, at 20, 13 6 and 3cm. On 24th, the
source had an inverted spectrum, showed substantial variation, and
approached 1 Jy at 3cm. On 25th, the source was much weaker, being
about 70mJy.

The light curves and radio data, and more details, are available from


Bob Sault

Bob Sault
ATNF - Paul Wild Observatory   Phone: +61 2 6790-4050
Locked Bag 194                 Fax  : +61 2 6790-4091
Narrabri NSW 2390              Email: rsault@atnf.csiro.au
AUSTRALIA                      WWW  : http://vsnet.atnf.csiro.au/~rsault

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