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[vsnet-campaign-target 16] VSNET campaign target list (2003 May 26)

VSNET campaign target list (2003 May 26)

   *** VSNET campaign selected current target list 2003 May 26 ***

Object   Class  Position      Type       State           Data   Remark
OU Vir     2    equatorial,   UGSU+E  post-superoutburst   1     (1)
                whole night           mag 18
PU CMa     2    southern,     UGSU    superoutburst but    1     (2)
                evening               short visibility
IM Nor     2    southern      NR+E:   mag about 17.0       2     (3)
SX LMi     3    northern      UGSU    outburst, fading?    1     (4)
V660 Her   3    northern,     UGSU    normal outburst?     1     (5)
                whole night           rapid fading
TV Crv     3    equatorial -  UGSU    posts-superoutburst  1     (6)
                southern              mag about 17
RX Vol     3    southern      UGSU    post-superoutburst   1     (7)
                                      rebrightening awaited
MV Lyr     3    northern      NL(VY)  extremely bright     1     (8)
CR Boo     3    northern      HeDN    recurring outbursts? 1     (9)
V729 Sgr   3    southern,     UG+E    outburst, eclipsing  1    (10)
                after midnight        dwarf nova

* Class: 1 = primary target, 2 = secondary target, 3 = optional target

* Data: data request, 1 = VSNET core team, data will be received by
      campaign report list.  2 = as above, in collaboration with

(1) OU Vir: slowly fading stage with late superhumps.  Still a good target
    for a large telescope (mag 18).

    We are also collecting data on the new variable star (see
    vsnet-chat 6292: new eclipsing star in the OU Vir field
    = USNO B1.0 0892-0239905.  This object is certainly a W UMa-type
    eclipsing binary.  If you have data, send them to vsnet-campaign-report
    (preferably in separate reports from OU Vir submissions).

(2) PU CMa: superoutburst.  Great if you can manage to get a 2hr run
    each night.

(3) IM Nor: probably eclipsing recurrent nova.  Cover a few orbital cycles
    (once or twice in a week, during the upcoming dark runs).
    Berto Monard reported that it has faded to mag 17.0.  Observations with
    a large telescope are highly wanted at this stage!!

    Berto's image (helpful for identification) is posted at:


(4) SX LMi: fading more rapidly than expected.  Either normal outburst
    or a precursor to a superoutburst.  Observe if it it rebrightens!

(5) V660 Her: significantly faded (now mag 16-17).  Although the behavior
    suggests a normal outburst, there is still a possibility for
    rebrightening to a superoutburst.  Will be moved to top-priority if
    it rebrightens.

(6) TV Crv: post-superoutburst stage.  Rebrightening within a week

(7) RX Vol: watch if it rebrightens.  Will be dropped from the list soon.

(8) MV Lyr: brightest in the recent decade(s).  Would be a good target
    (for late hours) for northern telescopes on these bright nights.

(9) CR Boo: recurring normal outbursts, or the start of a new supercycle?

(10) V729 Sgr: eclipse ephemeris (times are UT, geocentric)

  20030526 00:21:18
  20030526 04:31:00
  20030526 08:40:41
  20030526 12:50:22
  20030526 17:00:03
  20030526 21:09:44

  20030527 01:19:26
  20030527 05:29:07
  20030527 09:38:48
  20030527 13:48:29
  20030527 17:58:11
  20030527 22:07:52

    Continued optional target (of potential opportunity): IY UMa

    Please closely watch vsnet-alert and vsnet-outburst for other new

Web resource:

                          *** Notice ***

  This list is "read-only", i.e. it is used only for announcement of
the target lists.  Other information, as well as reports and discussions
on particular targets, should be directed to the appropriate VSNET campaign
sub-lists (e.g. vsnet-campaign-dn for dwarf novae).

   We have also set up a separate list for "privately" receiving
campaign observations.  Nightly time-series observations, which have been
report to me, Ishioka-san or Uemura-san, should be now directed to


   Reports sent to this address will be delivered to the VSNET campaign
local staffs, including Ishioka-san, Uemura-san and me, and are expected
to be more convenient than personal e-mails to separate addresses.

Taichi Kato
VSNET admin

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