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[vsnet-campaign-sn 544] SNe classifications (IAUC 8057)

Dear SN watchers,

  IAUC 8057 informed classifications of recent three SNe.

SN 2003L (= SN in NGC 3506):
In [vsnet-campaign-sn 535] (Jan. 14):
>SN2003-NGC3506  20021104.0   <185C  Bol
>SN2003-NGC3506  20030112.148  169C  Bol
>SN2003-NGC3506  20030113.55   160:C KAI
># The position of the new object is 11:03:12.33, +11:04:38.3
># (J2000.0), which is about 9" west and 2" north of the center of a
># spiral (Sc:) galaxy NGC 3506.  It is superimposed on the bright
># western arm.  The expected maximum for typical SN Ia is mag about
># 16.4.  

  The Asiago group shows that it is SN Ic a few days after maximum on
Jan. 25.00.

SN 2003M (=SN in UGC 7224)
In [vsnet-campaign-sn 535] (Jan. 14):
>SN2003-UGC7224  20020514.3 <190:C  KAI
>SN2003-UGC7224  20021223.5  185:C  KAI
>SN2003-UGC7224  20031113.5  173:C  KAI
># The position of the new object is 12:13:21.00, +21:38:48.4
># (J2000.0), which is about 38" east and 44" north of the nucleus of
># an elliptical (E) galaxy UGC 7224.  Several small galaxies are seen
># around this galaxy.  The expected maximum for typical SN Ia is mag
># about 16.7.  

  The Asiago team reported that the spectrum of SN 2003M taken on Jan.
25.00 UT shows a strong resemblance with SN Ic 1994I.  The SN is
physically associated with UGC 7224, though it is very far (about
30kpc) from its nucleus.  SN Ic is thought to be a core-collapse one,
and such core-collapse SN in an early-type galaxy is very exceptional.

SN 2003O:
In [vsnet-campaign-sn 542] (Jan. 23):
>SN2003O  20021015.28 <180C   DRi
>SN2003O  20030118.96  170:C  DRi
>SN2003O  20030120.15  169C   SCH
># A host galaxy of SN 2003O (3:38:09.13, +40:58:38.0 (J2000.0), offset
># = 10"W, 21"S) is UGC 2798, a tilted open-spiral (SABbc) galaxy near
># the Galactic plane (b = -11o.7).  The SN is superimposed on the
># outermost arm.  The expected maximum for typical SN Ia is mag about
># 16.4.   

  The CfA team revealed that it is a type II SN.  

Sincerely Yours,
Hitoshi Yamaoka, Kyushu Univ., Japan

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