Dear SN watchers, CBET 2 informed the discovery of an apparent supernova in UGC 2984. It was at mag 15.9 on Dec. 23.27, but was below 19.5 on Dec. 5. It is located at R.A. = 4h13m12s.52, Decl. = +13d25'07".3 (equinox 2000.0), which is about 1" west and 4" south of the center of UGC 2984, an irregular galaxy (SBdm:). It is superimposed on the bright central region. Many foreground stars can be seen around the galaxy. UGC 2984 is affected by the Galactic extinction; Schlegel et al. (1998) suggested that A_B = 2.430 mag, while Burstein and Heiles (1982) gave a smaller value (A_B = 0.960 mag). If we take the former, the expected maximum for a typical SN Ia without the extinction in the host galaxy is mag about 15.0. Spectroscopic confirmation and follow-up photometry is encouraged. Sincerely Yours, Hitoshi Yamaoka, Kyushu Univ., Japan