>From: Supernovae (10 years of SN1993J) <sne2003@reber.daa.uv.es> Subject: 2003supernovae FINAL announcement Date: Tue, 3 Dec 2002 13:31:51 +0100 (MET) ____________________________________________________________________ FINAL ANNOUNCEMENT IAU Colloquium 192 SUPERNOVAE (10 years of SN1993J) 22-26 April 2003, Valencia, Spain Web site: http://vsnet.uv.es/2003supernovae Contact E-Mail of the LOC: sne2003@reber.uv.es A large conference covering all theoretical and observational aspects of Supernovae and Gamma-Ray Bursts, and their impact on Cosmology, will take place on April 22-26, 2003 in Valencia, Spain, for the occasion of the tenth anniversary of SN 1993J. Attendance will be limited to 300 participants by the capacity of the Auditorium of the Museum of Science (Museo de las Ciencias Pr$ByO(Jcipe Felipe), where the conference will take place. The Museum of Science is an outstanding example of modern architecture, and part of a larger Arts and Sciences complex (please, see http://vsnet.cac.es ). The complex is within the city limits of Valencia (population 800,000) surrounded by the Valencia metropolitan area with 1.5 million people on the shore of the Mediterranean Sea and equidistant from Madrid and Barcelona. Details of the conference are given in http://vsnet.uv.es/2003supernovae CALL FOR ABSTRACTS The SOC has invited 35 speakers to cover the framework of the scientific aims of the conference. The scientific program will be completed with about 45 contributed talks and up to 200 posters selected by the SOC. All participants who wish to present a contributed talk or poster are kindly invited to submit a request by filling in the Abstract Form given on the conference web site. The preliminary Conference Agenda and the list of review and invited speakers are given on the web page and here below: TU 22-Apr'03 09:00-19:00 Lectures: SN93J & SNe. Posters: Session 1 WE 23-Apr'03 09:00-19:00 Lectures: SN87A & SNe. Posters: Session 2 TH 24-Apr'03 09:00-13:30 Lectures: SNe & GRBs. 15:00-20:00 Free afternoon 20:00-21:00 Public Lecture: Martin J.Rees FR 25-Apr'03 09:00-19:00 Lectures: GRBs. Posters: Session 3 21:30-01:00 Conference Banquet SA 26-Apr'03 11:00-17:00 Lectures: SN & GRB Cosmology. Posters: Session 4 17:00 Adjourn REVIEW AND INVITED A. Alberdi, S.I. Blinnikov, R. Canal, E. SPEAKERS: Capellaro, R.A. Chevalier, A.V. Filippenko, G.J. Fishman, D. Frail, C. Fransson, F. Frontera, A. Fruchter, M. Hamuy, W. Hillebrandt, P. Hoeflich, K. Hurley, S. Immler, K. Iwamoto, H.-Th. Janka, J. Kirk, S. Kulkarni, B. Leibundgut, W. Li, A. Loeb, A. MacFadyen, R. McCray, K. Nomoto, N. Panagia, F. Patat, A. Pedlar, M.A. Perez-Torres, M.J. Rees, B. Schmidt, R.A. Sramek, L. Staveley-Smith, M. Turatto, S.D. Van Dyk The Conference Proceedings will be published. Negotiations are underway with well known scientific publishers and details will be announced as soon as possible. REGISTRATION The Conference Registration Fee will be 275 EUR. It will cover a copy of the Conference Proceedings, the Conference Package, and Receptions. The list of pre-registered participants is available on the conference web site. If you have interest in attending the conference, even if you pre-registered please fill in the Registration Form now available at http://vsnet.uv.es/2003supernovae. Registration will be handled by the Conference Agency VIAJES IBERIA CONGRESOS. FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE There are some funds available for partial support of a limited number of researchers, depending on nationality, place of work, and/or age. Participants needing financial support should refer to the information given on the web page and submit the Financial Assistance Form . The National Science Foundation will also provide travel support for a small number of participants through the American Astronomical Society International Travel Grant (ITG) program. HOTELS Hotel accommodations will be arranged for the conference participants by the Conference Agency VIAJES IBERIA CONGRESOS. Please, fill in the Hotel Booking Form available at the conference web page. _____________________________________________________________________ Valencia, 1 December 2002 Jon Marcaide and Kurt Weiler (SOC co-chairmen) Jose Carlos Guirado and Jon Marcaide (LOC co-chairmen) _____________________________________________________________________