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[vsnet-campaign-sn 340] Re: SN 2002an in NGC 2575

Dear SN watchers,

I wrote in [vsnet-campaign-sn 321]:
>  NGC 2575 is somewhat nearby galaxy.  The expected maximum for
>typical SN Ia in this galaxy is mag about 15.4, taking account of the
>Galactic extinction.  Kushida notes that it become slightly (0.1 mag)
>brighter on Jan. 24.729, and nothing was visible on Jan. 6 (limiting
>mag 18.5).  If it is of type Ia, it would be some days before maximum
>light.  Followup photometry and the earlier spectral classification
>is urged. 

  According to IAUC 7818, the spactrum taken on Jan. 31 at Wise
Observatory (Israel) shows a blue continuum with narrow H-alpha
emission, resembles that of SN IIn 1998S around maximum.  Note that SN
1998S was very luminous as SN II, which was as luminous as typical SN
Ia or more.  The brightest reported magnitude of SN 2002an is 155CR on
Jan. 25, which is near to the expected maximum of SN Ia (mag about

Sincerely Yours,
Hitoshi Yamaoka, Kyushu Univ., Japan

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