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[vsnet-campaign-sn 125] SN 2000fe in UGC 4870

Dear SN observers,

  IAUC 7540 informed two discoveries of the nearby SNe.  Among them,
SN 2000fe discovered by the colaboration team of M. Schwaltz and the
KAIT can evolve to mag 15 order.

  SN 2000fe was discovered on Dec. 8.4 (mag about 16.6) and confirmed
on the next night with mag 0.2 brightening.  The location is R.A. =
9h14m55s.15, Decl. = +46o54'02".0 (2000.0), which is about 5" west and
10" south of the nucleus of the spiral galaxy UGC 4870.  It lies on
the outer edge of the disk.  

  UGC 4870 had produced another SN 1966A, which was discovered at pg =
15.5 after maximum.  The recession velocity of the host galaxy is 4218
km/s, from which the expected maximum of the normal SN Ia is about mag
15.5.  However, the the fitting of the templete light curve to SN
1966A (Leibundgut et al., 1991, A&AS, 89, 537) shows that the maximum
could be somewhat brighter (Bmax = 15.0).  The followup monitoring of
this SN (and of course the spectroscopy) is encouraged.

Sincerely Yours,
Hitoshi Yamaoka, Kyushu Univ., Japan

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