SN2000cx brighter! Message from: Subject: [vsnet-obs 28691] Observations for July 20 & 21 SN2000cx 20000720.369 136: MRV GSC/SKIFF * * SN at least 1 magnitude brighter than Skiff's 14.80 star. USNO magnitudes are at least one mag too faint compared to this star and other V sequences nearby. GSC mags seem better, perhaps 0.2 - 0.4 mag too bright. GSC 0614-0672 (mag 13.0) and GSC 0614-0416 (mag 13.4) appear to bracket the SN in brightness. I've averaged estimates made with these two stars and Skiff's 14.80 star to derive a rough estimate (the SN's visual magnitude could be anywhere from 13.4 - 13.8). Instrument: 50.5cm f/5 L Observer: Robert J. Modic (MRV) AAVSO