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[vsnet-campaign-dn 2156] Re: 1RXP J113123+4322.5: new SU UMa-type dwarf nova!

Re: 1RXP J113123+4322.5: new SU UMa-type dwarf nova! 

    Using the light curve obtained by the Kyoto team, 
our very preliminary period analysis show the superhump period 
of 0.068(1) d, typical and normal period for SU UMa stars.  
But the light curve covers only about 1.5 period and hence too short 
to determine the accurate period.  
The object show no rapid fading during the run and remained bright 
with a graudal fading at 0.05mag/d. 
Follow-up observations are evidently urged.

Makoto Uemura

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