Re: [AAVSO-DIS] Re: U GEM quite late. > I just joined and am wondering if any discussions have ocured relative to > U GEM being about 40 days past due its typical 105d outburst cycle? Also, > it has exhibited a slight ~0.5mag average brightening over the last few > weeks. I haven't studied this variable in that much detail to say whether > this behavior is extremely unusual or whatever? But I am getting quite > curious now, and will watch it every night if possible. Dear all, The current "unusual" activity of U Gem has been one of topics in VSNET (esp. vsnet-campaign-dn list). We have been indeed conducting an extensive campaign on this object, in order to see what is going on in the U Gem accretion disk, and to see what will be its evolution at the start of the next outburst. We have been covering at least one per night eclipses photometrically. If the object baheves differently (e.g. apprarent rising), we would be very grateful to hear the news immediately. A summary of recent U Gem is presented in the bulletin "News from VSNET", also posted to the AAVSO discussion list. The coordinator of this campaign is R. Ishioka (, to whom those who are interested in the campaign should contact. Regards, Taichi Kato VSNET Collaboration team