AW Sge rare outburst, updated info Copy of the information posted to vsnet-alert. Duplicated because of the high importance of the event: As reported, the suspected SU UMa-type dwarf nova AW Sge is reported to be in outburst. The last reported (to VSNET) outburst occurred in 1996 August (magnitude 15.0, Pietz), which was confirmed by the observation of the Kyoto team. The 1996 outburst faded rapidly, suggesting that it was a normal outburst of an SU UMa-type star. The VSNET Collaboration started a campaign. Please watch future messages in vsnet-campaign-dn or vsnet-campaign. See: vsnet-obs 3854 YYYYMMDD(UT) mag observer 20000709.439 <150 (G. Hanson) 20000709.708 <140 (R. Stubbings) 20000709.935 <142 (M. Reszelski) 20000710.938 <145 (M. Reszelski) 20000711.031 <149 (G. Poyner) 20000711.565 140 (R. Stubbings) 20000711.941 145: (E. Muyllaert) 20000712.030 147 (G. Poyner) 20000712.053 147 (G. Poyner) 20000712.260 143V (S. O'Connor) Regards, Taichi Kato