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[vsnet-campaign-data 9] XTE J1118+480 photometry

Dear Colleagues,
please find attached a recent photometric run on this x-ray nova.

Please let me know when the file arrives.

* Gianluca Masi                           "Two things fill the soul   *
* Via Madonna de Loco, 47               with awe and reverence [...]: *
* 03023 Ceccano (FR)                     the starry sky above me and  *
* ITALY                                    the moral law within me"   *
* e-mail: gianmasi@fr.flashnet.it                                     *
* web:  http://vsnet.eurolink.it/comets/                  I. Kant       *
* Minor Planet Center Obs. Code: 470 - Ceccano                        *
* Center for Backyard Astrophysics - Italy                            *
Star: XTE J1118+480

Observer(s): Gianluca Masi Ceccano (FR) - IT
Telescope: SC 280mm f/3.3
Detector: ** UNFILTERED ** CCD SBIG ST-7 with KAF0400. ABG
Reduction: QMiPS32 and data organization with IDL
Integration time: 35 seconds

The date is relative to the MID-EXPOSURE.
Add the value reported over the JD column to get the complete JD

JD (UT, +2451722)    V-C1     

     0.468617      2.41172
     0.471163      2.48623
     0.470654      2.42126
     0.470145      2.34142
     0.469636      2.49376
     0.469126      2.37084
     0.471684      2.39108
     0.468108      2.40688
     0.467598      2.49542
     0.467089      2.38035
     0.466580      2.41474
     0.466071      2.35891
     0.465561      2.40013
     0.465052      2.51342
     0.464543      2.39674
     0.464034      2.43790
     0.463524      2.40811
     0.463015      2.43478
     0.462506      2.42887
     0.461997      2.42152
     0.461487      2.41474
     0.460978      2.38989
     0.460469      2.40697
     0.459960      2.40005
     0.459450      2.40419
     0.458941      2.38642
     0.458432      2.44992
     0.457923      2.49951
     0.457413      2.41695
     0.456904      2.45714
     0.456395      2.43970
     0.455886      2.44695
     0.455376      2.38443
     0.454867      2.54708
     0.454358      2.38736
     0.453848      2.49859
     0.453339      2.45589
     0.452830      2.41864
     0.452321      2.49197
     0.451811      2.43395
     0.451302      2.42026
     0.450793      2.37374
     0.450284      2.36522
     0.449774      2.37748
     0.449265      2.52274
     0.448756      2.47335
     0.448247      2.38640
     0.447726      2.46215
     0.447217      2.50525
     0.446707      2.44934
     0.446198      2.43243
     0.445689      2.45418
     0.445180      2.46906
     0.444670      2.44917
     0.444161      2.41829
     0.443652      2.46133
     0.443142      2.40650
     0.442633      2.40866
     0.442124      2.43099
     0.441615      2.36186
     0.441105      2.45230
     0.440596      2.43537
     0.440087      2.40837
     0.439578      2.46986
     0.439068      2.52226
     0.438559      2.38793
     0.438050      2.44930
     0.437541      2.41154
     0.437020      2.41269
     0.436511      2.42623
     0.436001      2.41806
     0.435492      2.47144
     0.434983      2.37909
     0.434474      2.48540
     0.433964      2.43071
     0.433455      2.43863
     0.432946      2.45708
     0.432436      2.45303
     0.431927      2.48077
     0.431418      2.47743
     0.430909      2.46224
     0.430399      2.44095
     0.429890      2.46138
     0.429381      2.52215
     0.428872      2.40623
     0.428362      2.47151
     0.427853      2.46965
     0.427344      2.39636
     0.426835      2.49398
     0.426325      2.45403
     0.425816      2.46932
     0.425307      2.46787
     0.424798      2.46388
     0.424288      2.46371
     0.423779      2.45148
     0.423270      2.48129
     0.422761      2.47984
     0.422251      2.41890
     0.421742      2.45531
     0.421233      2.37454
     0.420724      2.47200
     0.420214      2.49882
     0.419705      2.55583
     0.419196      2.47483
     0.418686      2.50117
     0.418177      2.36802
     0.417668      2.43178
     0.417159      2.54581
     0.416649      2.38597
     0.416140      2.55160
     0.415631      2.47212
     0.415122      2.44653
     0.414612      2.48028
     0.414103      2.46605
     0.413594      2.41830
     0.413085      2.47626
     0.412575      2.49934
     0.412066      2.47541
     0.411557      2.43288
     0.411048      2.45955
     0.410538      2.42844
     0.410029      2.46358
     0.409520      2.45944
     0.409011      2.37439
     0.408501      2.47553
     0.407992      2.36716
     0.407483      2.45567
     0.406974      2.43143
     0.406464      2.41256
     0.405955      2.45166
     0.405446      2.48379
     0.404936      2.46544
     0.404427      2.39656
     0.403918      2.39386
     0.403409      2.48033
     0.402899      2.47392
     0.402390      2.44573
     0.401881      2.47387
     0.401372      2.49721
     0.400862      2.37525
     0.400353      2.49283
     0.399844      2.50562
     0.399335      2.46641
     0.398825      2.44494
     0.398316      2.39481
     0.397807      2.46213
     0.397298      2.45244
     0.396788      2.47489
     0.396279      2.39909
     0.395770      2.44331
     0.395261      2.41267
     0.394751      2.40497
     0.394242      2.49426
     0.393733      2.44745
     0.393224      2.46982
     0.392714      2.42916
     0.392205      2.44888
     0.391696      2.43395
     0.391186      2.39707
     0.390677      2.50596
     0.390168      2.43359
     0.389659      2.41738
     0.389149      2.43129
     0.388640      2.44050
     0.388131      2.42417
     0.387622      2.43862
     0.387112      2.41603
     0.386603      2.48221
     0.386094      2.41114
     0.385585      2.39313
     0.385075      2.42163
     0.384566      2.44362
     0.384057      2.42868
     0.383548      2.43847
     0.383038      2.40378
     0.382529      2.42102
     0.382020      2.41041
     0.381487      2.45494
     0.380978      2.48807
     0.380469      2.39673
     0.379960      2.42521
     0.379450      2.37218
     0.378941      2.41937
     0.378432      2.43215
     0.377934      2.38832
     0.377425      2.41184
     0.376916      2.38702
     0.376406      2.36892
     0.375897      2.33723
     0.375388      2.47232
     0.374879      2.40738
     0.374369      2.39886
     0.373860      2.40414
     0.373351      2.41004
     0.372842      2.33266
     0.372332      2.39575
     0.371823      2.44985
     0.371325      2.41461
     0.370816      2.37454
     0.370307      2.40515
     0.369798      2.39056
     0.369288      2.42941
     0.368779      2.35876
     0.368270      2.41173
     0.367761      2.33127
     0.367251      2.42695
     0.366742      2.41359
     0.366233      2.36792
     0.365724      2.35975
     0.365214      2.39248
     0.364705      2.36959
     0.364196      2.40681
     0.363698      2.37392
     0.363189      2.39325
     0.362680      2.42203
     0.362170      2.42053
     0.361661      2.40679
     0.361152      2.41342
     0.360642      2.40643
     0.360133      2.43994
     0.359624      2.40859
     0.359115      2.36489
     0.358617      2.40246
     0.358108      2.38992
     0.357598      2.38698
     0.357089      2.41755
     0.356580      2.40980
     0.356071      2.36964
     0.355561      2.45422
     0.355052      2.39547
     0.354543      2.40773
     0.354034      2.43414
     0.353524      2.38513
     0.353015      2.34173
     0.352506      2.37987
     0.351997      2.42006
     0.351487      2.34737
     0.350990      2.37498
     0.350480      2.37444
     0.349971      2.37094
     0.349462      2.36100
     0.348953      2.40101
     0.348443      2.36506
     0.347934      2.41424
     0.347425      2.40925
     0.346916      2.34260
     0.346406      2.40205
     0.345897      2.36146
     0.345388      2.40461
     0.344890      2.37876
     0.344381      2.35961
     0.343872      2.35323
     0.343362      2.34080
     0.342853      2.43954
     0.342344      2.37011
     0.341835      2.39558
     0.341325      2.35339
     0.340816      2.42992
     0.340307      2.39252
     0.339798      2.42492
     0.339288      2.37338
     0.338791      2.36015
     0.338281      2.42684
     0.337772      2.45161
     0.337263      2.32727
     0.336754      2.40627
     0.336244      2.35229
     0.335735      2.38093
     0.335226      2.45652
     0.334717      2.33495
     0.334207      2.37837
     0.333698      2.42524
     0.333177      2.40986
     0.332668      2.34600

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