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[vsnet-campaign-ccd-discussion 28] Digital Camera for astronomy? [Re: Raquel Shida]

Hello. Please note that I changed the subject line.

>   I have just visited the page and I have some questions. I have a Nikon
>Coolpix 4500 and I would like to know if I can use it to estimate some VS
>magnitudes. Using it with the telescope I can see fainter objects than using

I was interested in this topic too. But I didn't know enough
about electronics to make it plausible. Here are some thoughts
on how I reached that point. I may be totally wrong though; and 
if so, I'd like to be corrected. 

0. Are the dwell of these CCDs deep enough to avoid saturation? 
   They probably saturate too quick. Once saturates, even CCD 
   behaves in a non-linear manner. 

1. A CCD for a typical digital camera is not the same as the professional
   quality CCD. First of all, there is no embedded color filter device in
   the professional CCD camera. So there is a need for three different 
   CCD exposures with different color filters (U,B,V,R, or I -- you pick)
   to make a "true" color picture. But a typical CCD digital camera has to
   capture all the colors simultaneously onto one CCD. This is accomplished
   with a thin layer of color dye that covers the surface of CCD pixels, i.e., 
   each pixel has a color filter to block unwanted colors. This is commonly
   refered as color filtered array (CFA, no, not CfA) on CCD.  

   In some digital camera, the color filter array may consist of three 
   colors: Green, red and blue (called GRGB CFA). For those camera, 
   there are actually more green-colored pixels than the blue or red
   ones (usually about Green:Blue:RED = 2:1:1). This is to mimic the 
   light response of human eyes, which are more sensitive to green light. 

   But this isn't the case for most of (if not all) Nikon Coolpix series.
   Some Canon and Nikon Coolpix uses FOUR color filter array: Cyan, 
   Green, Magenta, and Yellow (CYGM CFA). Although I haven't verified, 
   it is generally considered that the number of pixels using each of 
   these colors are identical, i.e., C:Y:G:M = 1:1:1:1. So it is like
   you have four color filters in one CCD camera. [This is one of the
   reasons why I myself own a Nikon Coolpix camera.] 

   So you need to find out the response of each CYGM color filter if
   you want to do really precise photometry. And you do want to know
   the distribution pattern of these color filter elements. 

   It would be really cool if someone can hack the camera so that
   it reads off raw counts per color off the camera.

   [Obviously the light sensitivity of human eyes are neither G:B:R=2:1:1
   or C:Y:G:M=1:1:1:1. In order to create a "true" color image, on-board
   computer chip will have to do some processing to make color images. 
   And some fancy, professional digital camera may actually have multi-CCD
   units to cover several colors at once. These are, of course, as expensive
   as one of those SBIC CCDs for good reasons.]

2. Is the flux strictly conserved? The answer is not clear, as far as I 
   could find. First of all, everyone should save a dataset into 
   TIFF format. It means that the raw data are still coverted to 
   RGB tri-color, but at least each color layers are retrievable and
   NOT flattened into one blended color image like other formats (e.g.JPEG). 

   Anyway, Nikon Coolpix process the detected count rates and convert
   it to, I believe, 2 byte integer scale (i.e., the color intensity 
   is scaled into 0 -- 255 steps). So the original information on 
   count rates is being lost through the processing. That's at least
   true for my Nikon Coolpix 995. I hadn't bothered reading up the 
   bloody manual to check the way around, though. [is there a digital 
   camera out there that let you save the data into a raw count frame?]

   So having unable to do strict photon counting, you cannot do any	
   sort of "absolute" photometry. But if you capture your star plus
   standard star in the same frame, you may be able to do relative
   comparison of brightness. However note that, again, when the counts
   are converted to 2-byte integer, some information is lost. 

   But if you can beat all these 3 points above, it'd be a nifty
   thing. You can take bias and dark current  images for processing 
   too. Or maybe I am thinking too much about details. You might 
   be able to circumbent some difficulty by some rigorous calibration
   etc. That I don't know for sure. In any case, one needs to hack
   the CCD to read off the raw counts, I'd think. Or else it'd be 
   just a good camera for astrophotography. But that's not what 
   you're thinking of doing here, right? Anyway, you'd need to ask
   someone with good EE-background if you want to try. 

Good luck, 

Bish Ishibashi

PS. I'd think that someone has tried something like that already.
    How about doing some serious GOOGLE search or something? 


"Bish" K. Ishibashi, Ph.D. 

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Center for Space Research                 e  bish@space.mit.edu
77 Massachusetts Ave. NE80-6011           w  617 452 5122
Cambridge, MA 02139                       f  617 253 8084

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