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[vsnet-announce 2] BCB #70 PostScript and DVI versions

Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2000 09:16:47 GMT+2
From: Horst Drechsel <ai05@sternwarte.uni-erlangen.de>
Subject: BCB #70 PostScript and DVI versions

   The International Astronomical Union Commission 42 ("Close Binaries")
provides bibliographic information on close binary related topics through
                  "Bibliography of Close Binaries (BCB)"

   The latest issue BCB #70 appeared in June 2000. This is to inform the
community, that apart from the HTML version, we now also put the

   >>>>>>>>>>>   PostScript and DVI versions of this issue    <<<<<<<<<<<

on our web server:


or via anonymous ftp from:


                               Horst Drechsel
                 IAU Comm. 42 Bibliography of Close Binaries

  Horst Drechsel                         
  Dr. Remeis Observatory                 drechsel@sternwarte.uni-erlangen.de
  Astronomical Institute                             Phone: +49-951-95222-15
  University Erlangen-Nuernberg                        Fax: +49-951-95222-22
  Sternwartstr.7, D-96049 Bamberg, Germany

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