WZ Sge: humps and eclipses Dear Colleagues, We have received new data from T. Vanmunster. We have finished analyzing the Kyoto Sep. 22 observation, and are undertaking the Sep. 23 observation (observer R. Ishuioka). The object is still very slowly declining, with humps and eclipses. The humps became the strongest on Sep. 22 (UT). The maximum amplitude of the humps was 0.48 mag. The hump peaked at phase 0.85. Sharp eclipses were also present, with a depth of 0.3 mag. The amplitude of the humps seems to have been slightly reduced on Sep. 23. We will be able to put necessary figures on the VSNET WZ Sge page, when the network becomes (still partly suffering from the effect of an electric shutdown) fully operative. Regards, Taichi Kato VSNET Collaboration team