WZ Sge: at the fifth rebrightening maximum Dear Colleagues, D. Starkey has reported the latest data, covering the rise to and the maximum of the fifth rebrighetening. The phase analysis, after removing the general trends, has yielded very weak periodic signals. Eclipses are no longer prominent. The strongest hump signal (about 0.05 mag in average) resides just after the eclipse times. It may be that altough superhumps may have newly grown, their existence may have been masked by the eclipse effect. If this possibility is confirmed by the following observations, the present hump phase suggests that either superhumps have newly appeared, or developed from the "pre-eclipse" hump signal predominantly seen in the Aug. 28 data. The latter interpretation may naturally explain the apparent absence of the strong hump signal in the Aug. 29 data. The present superposition of hump and eclipse phases at maximum is the first-ever seen during the rebrightening stage. Observers are requested to closely follow the evolution of eclipses and humps in order to determine the geometry of the eclipsed source. Regards, Taichi Kato VSNET Collaboration team