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[vsnet-alert 6458] WZ Sge: third rebrightening maximum, complex humps!

WZ Sge: third rebrightening maximum, complex humps!

Dear Colleagues,

    We have received new data from G. Masi (two nights), T. Vanmunster
and J. Pietz.  We have also added newly analyzed Kyoto and Ouda data.

    The data clearly show that WZ Sge reached the maximum of the third
rebrightening around mid Aug. 26 (UT), and the object has already started
to fade!  The latest observation by J. Pietz (26.80 - 26.98 UT) shows
a linear fading at a rate of 0.38 mag/d.

    The hump structure has again become complex.  Although the full
amplitude of the humps are 0.09 mag, there are at least two distinct
hump components: one seems to correspond to "late superhumps" persisting
since the fading branch of the second rebrigtening, another seems to be
new superhumps, which are very likely highly distorted by the eclipses.
The exact identification would require a further detailed study (in progress,
by Ishioka-san and Uemura-san).  Eclipses have become again less prominent.
The deepest dip-like feature may correspond to eclipses, but they occur
0.1 phase earlier than the predicted eclipses.  The development of these
features also should be followed intensively.

    Since WZ Sge is up and down with a very short time scale (three times
faster than in EG Cnc!), dense and continuous observations are most
highly wanted!

    More later.

Taichi Kato
VSNET Collaboration team

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