Dear Colleagues, for what is worth, I would like to point your attention to a quite interesting result. As I said, my latest photometry (a 6.5 hours long) gives, if considered alone, a period candidate of 0.057299d. Compared with the shorter, orbital period (0.05669d), I have a difference of about 1 percent, not so different from what reported by Patterson et al. during the 1978 outburst (0.8 percent). Just a coincidence? Time will says us! Regards, Gianluca -- *********************************************************************** * Gianluca Masi "Two things fill the soul * * Via Madonna de Loco, 47 with awe and reverence [...]: * * 03023 Ceccano (FR) the starry sky above me and * * ITALY the moral law within me" * * e-mail: * * web: I. Kant * * Minor Planet Center Obs. Code: 470 - Ceccano * * Center for Backyard Astrophysics - Italy * * VSNET Collaboration Team member * * mailing-list moderator * ***********************************************************************