Re: (fwd) Strange object ? > I found a possible fast object on the first and second generation > Digitized Sky Survey. Could this be a star with a high proper motion ? > > I made two pictures from the first and second generation. > This is TY CrB = G180-23, a known fast-moving object. Identifications: GSC2579.498 160123.06 +364843.9 (2000.0) 14.46 1 USNO1200.07798917 160122.766 +364901.22 (2000.0) 13.5 14.5 160121.9 +364829 (2000.0) LHS3146 14.2r - mu=0.570 160122.6 +364900 (2000.0) FBS1559+369 14.2pg N1 DA 4 160123.2 +364834 (2000.0) WD1559+369 14.36 DAV5 160123.2 +364852 (2000.0) G180-23 14.8pg mu=.62 160123.2 +364852 (2000.0) V=14.330(-) b-y=0.084(-) m1=0.312(-) c1=-0.142(-) beta=- 160123.2 +364852 (2000.0) UBV_G180-23 14.36 0.17 -0.56 .000 .000 .000 - N=2 Nm=2 - 160123.2 +364858 (2000.0) NLTT 14.2R a mu=0.570 160123.9 +364859 (2000.0) DAV5(Buscombe) V=14.36 B-V=.17 U-B=-.56 160123.0 +364843 (2000.0) CRBTY * ZZA 14.53 (0.15) B - - - DA R1/CRB