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[vsnet-alert 5726] Possible Nova in Saggitarius; astrometry and the quiescent counterpart

Dear all,

  I have e-maild to CBAT as below:

>Dear Dr. Green,
>K. Kadota, Ageo, Saitama, Japan has provided the accurate coordinate 
>of the possible nova in Sagittarius using the CCD image taken at Feb.
>25.828 UT as: R. A. = 17h54m40s.42, Decl. = -26d14'15".2 (J2000.0,
>mean residuals below 0".1).  
>Immediately neighbourhood of this position, an USNO_A2.0 star
>(position end figures 40s.414, 15".40, rmag = 15.8, bmag = 17.4)
>exists, which is the plausible counterpart at quiescent.

Sincerely Yours,
Hitoshi Yamaoka, Kyushu Univ., Japan

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