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[vsnet-alert 5687] SN 2001V in NGC 3987

Dear SN watchers,

  A bright SN Ia 2001V has discovered during the spectral observation.
The expected maximum of the typical SN Ia is about mag 15.5.

  IAUC 7585 reports that the CfA group has discovered the new object
during the spectroscopy of the galaxies, which reveals that it is of
type Ia well before maximum.  The position of the SN derived from the
concurrently-taken image is: R.A. = 11h57m24s.93, Decl. = +25o12'09".0
(2000.0), which is 52" east and 28" north of the edge-on spiral
(Sb-Sbc) galaxy NGC 3987.  This galaxy has a remarkable dust lane, and
SN 2001V lies just south of the disk plane.  It may locate in the
outermost part of the disk. 

  There are two foreground USNO_A2.0 stars on the same side of the

pos. end figures rmag bmag offsets
24s.33, 11'47".0 15.3 16.5 45"E, 5"N
26s.01, 11'19".0 15.7 16.9 67"E,23"S

Note that the USNO_A2.0 magnitudes (using v = r + 0.375 (b-r) ) are
somewhat (0.5-1.0 mag) dimmer than the GSC magnitudes.  

  NGC 3987 is a member of the group of galaxies, which is sometimes
called as "NGC 4005 group".  Although it is in the direction of the
Coma supercluster, this group lies in front of the Coma; the mean
recession velocity is about 4600 km/s.  Thus, the expected maximum for
the typical SN Ia is about 15.5 mag.  The follow-up photometry is
encouraged for this bright SN during and the after maximum light.

Sincerely Yours,
Hitoshi Yamaoka, Kyushu Univ., Japan

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