Dear Colleague, this message is to inform you that, in the past weekend, our e-mail server experienced a hacker attack and, because of this, we could not receive e-mail between the late afternoon (European time) of Friday, Feb. 2 and the morning (again European time) of Monday, Feb. 5. Thus, there might be a chance that the contributions sent by some of you during those days never reached us and got lost. In order to check this, I include below the list of people who already sent me their contribution(s): Asano Bagoly Band1 Band2 Berger Bjornsson Boettcher (2) Chevalier Cline Daigne Derishev (3) Dermer Di Paola Dray Efremov Ghisellini Guetta Guidorzi Hakkila Hanlon Horvath Hroch Hudec (6) Kippen Klose Kobayashi (2) Kozyrev Lazzati (2) Lichti Marsden Masetti Mazzali McBreen (2) Mereghetti Merloni Meszaros Attila (2) Meszaros Peter Montaruli Murakami Nicastro Norris Otwinowski Pal'shin (2) Perna Piccioni (2) Polcar Postnov Ramirez-Ruiz Ryde Sanin Simon Soderberg Sokolov (2) Spada Speziali Tagliaferri Vernetto von Kienlin Woosley Yost Zane Zerbi Zhang [PLEASE NOTE: the names in the list belong to the people who sent me the contribution, as I assume them as contact persons, and not necessarily to the first author] In case you sent your contribution in the period Feb. 2-5 and your name is not included in the list, please send it again. If you still have not sent your contributions, please do it quickly as we are going to start the refereeing stage; also, in order to avoid similar troubles in the future, please send your paper in cc: to the e-mail address Thank you for your attention and sorry for any inconvenience that this problem may cause to you. Best regards, Nicola Masetti (for the LOC) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gamma Ray Bursts in the Afterglow Era - Second Workshop 17-20 October 2000 Rome - CNR Headquarters