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[vsnet-alert 5613] CG Cam faint?

CG Cam faint?

   The suspected R CrB-star CG Cam is reported faint.  Confirmatory
observation is needed.

  YYYYMMDD(UT)   mag  observer
  20001102.969   134  (M. Reszelski)
  20001103.778   135  (M. Reszelski)
  20001105.874   134  (M. Reszelski)
  20001106.038   139  (M. Simonsen)
  20001112.931   137  (G. Poyner)
  20001117.031   137  (G. Poyner)
  20001120.942   137  (G. Poyner)
  20001127.053   137  (G. Poyner)
  20001129.919   135  (G. Poyner)
  20001201.926   135  (G. Poyner)
  20001202.878   137  (G. Poyner)
  20001204.208   138  (M. Simonsen)
  20001208.872   137  (G. Poyner)
  20001209.317   139  (M. Simonsen)
  20001220.350   140  (M. Simonsen)
  20001228.801   135  (G. Poyner)
  20001230.890   136  (G. Poyner)
  20010107.031   137  (G. Poyner)
  20010113.812   137  (G. Poyner)
  20010115.999   137  (G. Poyner)
  20010120.898   137  (M. Reszelski)
  20010121.119   145: (M. Simonsen)
  20010125.858   137  (M. Reszelski)
  20010126.169   145: (M. Simonsen)

  The object information:

GSC4327.1109 034942.10 +681026.0 (2000.0) 12.49 1
USNO1575.01846448 034942.133 +681026.02 (2000.0) 99.9 14.6
034941.6 +681025 (2000.0) FSC03448+6801 7.267 3.825 0.765 2.053L
034942.0 +681025 (2000.0) IRAS03448+6801 7.125 3.939 0.716 1.321L 1%
034942.0 +681025 (2000.0) SSC03448+6801 7.125 3.939 0.716 1.321L
034942.1 +681026 (2000.0) CAMCG RCB: 14.2 15.8 B - - - -

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