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[vsnet-alert 5505] Possible Nova in Pup: revised astrometry

Dear Colleagues,
I've been working with attention on astrometry of this suspect, using an image provided by
M. Uemura et al. (Kyoto University). I've already reported in [vsnet-alert 5494] an
accurate position for this body. In order to have an also better astrometry, I've been
selecting different sets of reference stars from USNO A2.0, taking care in using those
with the smallest residuals. After quite a long job, I've got astrometry for this nova
candidate, with a small residual. So I present you my estimate:

Possible nova in Pup.

R.A.: 07h 37m 56.88s; Decl.: -25d 56' 59.1" (J2000.0)

11 reference stars from USNO A2.0;mean residuals: 0.15"

The position above is definitely the very same as the USNO A2.0 star A0600.06937901 I've
mentioned in [vsnet-alert 5494]. This USNO A2.0 star has, as told earlier a B-R00.6 mag.

So, I think that the USNO A2.0 star A0600.06937901 is actually the possible nova


* Gianluca Masi                           "Two things fill the soul   *
* Via Madonna de Loco, 47               with awe and reverence [...]: *
* 03023 Ceccano (FR)                     the starry sky above me and  *
* ITALY                                    the moral law within me"   *
* e-mail: gianmasi@fr.flashnet.it                                     *
* web:  http://vsnet.eurolink.it/comets/                  I. Kant       *
* Minor Planet Center Obs. Code: 470 - Ceccano                        *
* Center for Backyard Astrophysics - Italy                            *
* VSNET Collaboration Team member                                     *
* CCD-astrometry-photometry@egroup mailing-list moderator             *

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