OGLE Early Warning System has detected another microlensing candidate event: OGLE-2000-BUL-74 Field BUL_SC31 StarNo 737372 RA(J2000.0) 18:02:53.30 Dec(J2000.0) -28:23:18.3 Remarks Tmax 2451836.976 2.798 tau 52.710 5.468 Amax 13363.1 - Dmag 10.315 - I0 19.030 0.011 Tmax epoch corresponds to 2000-10-19.48 UT. Finding charts, light curve plots, photometric data (updated regularly) can be found in: http://vsnet.astrouw.edu.pl/~ogle/ogle2/ews/bul-74.html http://vsnet.astrouw.edu.pl/ogle/ogle2/ews/2000/bul-74.tar.gz regards, OGLE team.