Dear SN watchers, IAUC 7475 tells that M. Aoki has discovered a quite bright SN. The host galaxy is a member of UMa cluster of galaxies, which is as near as the Virgo cluster. Further observation and the classifications are urgently needed. The discovery was made on Aug. 6.498 UT when the SN was mag 14.3. The reported location is: R.A. = 11h53m39s.75, Decl. = +47o51'46".6 (equinox 2000), which is about 20" northwest of the center of the tilted open-spiral (SA(s)bc) galaxy NGC 3949. Compareing with DSS image, it is overimposed on the bulge region and some field stars (or condensations of the host) can be found in this direction. The identification should be done carefully. The expected maximum of SN Ia on this distance is about mag 12. If it is truely of type Ia, it should be observed much brighter than 14 mag on this night. The follow-up observation is surely encouraged. Sincerely Yours, Hitoshi Yamaoka, Kyushu Univ., Japan