Dear colleagues, maybe some of you remmember that some time ago I sent an alert about my plans to create a public data storage of amateur variable stars observations. Now it's done! Virtual Observatory / Amateur Data Archiv (ADA) is a utility which was primarily constructed to archive a CCD observation performed at Nicholas Copernicus Observatory in Brno (CR). But later was added also some personalization and some more functions to make this system usable also for other observers. I'd be very happy if observers will join to store there their data of variable stars and if some collaboration between VSNET and ADA will exist. Right now Tachi Kato promised me to create vsnet-ada mailing list which will be used to send alert that some data were added and so on. Right now the system is able to: 1) Store information about selected CCD run. Please have a look what it can do at a web. Right now it's impossible to upload files but you can save data to a database. I recomend you to store images with light curves and separate data files on your web. If you are not able, send me via email your files and I'll add them. 2) You can set-up your status. This is very important tool. You can set your status (observing, sleeping,...) and if you are observing some target, others will see WHO is observing and WHAT. This cappability should be used for campaigns of VSNET or CBA groups! 3) You can leave messages to other users. If you need to let some message to other registered user of the system, you can. When he will log in he will see your message and can follow a target you'll ask him. 4) Refference to selected object If you find interesting URL or article, you can create also a refference to a selected object. Every run can have properties to be public or personal so than the data are NOT visible to everyone. The URL of the site is or I'd be very happy for questions, comments and so on. I hope that others will join - then it could be powerfull tool for variable star community. The server is not commercial, no banners are there, only data. It's based on ASP technology, cookies and frames. I recommend to have Internet browser from Microsoft (IE4+) or Netscape 4+. This first phase will be full of reparations and changes and I hope that you'll send me many comments. Detailed info should be found on the web site. Regards Rudolf ******************************* Rudolf Novak N. Copernicus Observatory Brno, CR