INTERESTING MICROLENSING(?) EVENT Observations collected by OGLE during the last few nights at the Las Campanas Observatory indicate that OGLE-2000-SCO-02 event, announced on Mar 14, 2000 as possible microlensing in the Galactic disk (l=-20.2), undergoes second brightening episode. It is consistent with microlensing brightening and much more prominent than the first one. The brightness of the star is increasing rapidly and the current magnification is about A=5. Preliminary microlensing fit to the second episode part of the light curve indicates high magnification and maximum at HJD=2451708.694 +/- 3.525 (Jun. 13.19, 2000 UT). It is possible that the event is a binary microlensing (without caustic crossing) or the source is a double star. Of course, we cannot exclude possibility that the star is an unusual variable star. Follow up observations are strongly encouraged !!! OGLE-2000-SCO-02 Field SCO_SC1 StarNo 131946 RA(J2000.0) 16:41:02.61 Dec(J2000.0) -44:36:02.5 Finding charts, light curve plots, photometric data (updated regularly) can be found in: regards, OGLE team.