Visual magnitude estimates by P. Schmeer, Bischmisheim, Germany: BC URSAE MAJORIS (UGSU) Mar. 1.872 UT, 12.6 ; 2.122, 12.7 ; 2.806, 12.8 Sequence: Henden (V magnitudes) + H/T (V= 11.15) Instrument: 203-mm SCT This SU UMa-type dwarf nova has been bright for the third consecutive night and thus definitely undergoing a (relatively faint) superoutburst - the first (recorded) one for almost six years. The lightcurve seems to have had a peak on Mar. 31 (similar to V592 Her during its last outburst). Time-resolved photometry is very urgently required. Regards, Patrick P.S.: UMABC 20000401.872 126 Scp UMABC 20000402.122 127 Scp UMABC 20000402.806 128 Scp P.P.S.: I am sure to have reported 'Bee Cee UMa' to Gary's answering machine - but I was on a hurry at that time.