Dear all, >I have examined Kyoto image, then am awared that the position of this >bright object is fairly close to: > USNO_A1.0 1350.08089912 11:18:10.826 +48:02:12.55 18.8r 20.1b >= USNO_A2.0 1350.07924726 11:18:10.851 +48:02:12.78 18.8r 19.4b > >There is no USNO star within 1' from this star, but on DSS R image >(either generation), several fainter objects can be seen. More >precise astrometry is in progress. The astrometry of the bright (C about 13.0) object using seven GSC-ACT stars gave that R.A. = 11h18m10s.79, Decl. = +48o02'11".2 (equinox 2000.0). The accuracy for R.A. is about 0s.03 (standard deviation), besides the one for Decl. is slightly poor (sigma = 0".6). It is strongly suggested that USNO_A1.0 1350.08089912 = USNO_A2.0 1350.07924726 is the precurser of XTE J1118+480. On DSS2 images, no other object can be seen within 10" from this USNO star. Sincerely Yours, Hitoshi Yamaoka, Kyushu Univ., Japan