Dear colleagues, I am Seiichi Yoshida working on the MISAO Project. Seiichi Yoshida and KenIchi Kadota recovered a possible symbiotic star discovered by Yukio Sakurai in 1994 (cf. IAUC 6051), NSV 24062. Here is the report. Everything is made clear by public discussion on the VSOLJ (Variable Star Observers' League in Japan) mailing list. Thanks so much for the contributors. In the course of variable star survey based on the MISAO Project observations, Seiichi Yoshida discovered a variable star at R.A. 17h59m39s.58, Decl. -25o13'30".0 (2000.0) with a range of 10.8 - 12.4 mag from unfiltered CCD variable star survey images taken by Kadota between 1999 April and 2000 February, being supported by the semi-automated variable star detection by a software, the PIXY system. Here is the photometry: 1999 Apr 8.75186 11.4C 1999 Apr 8.75242 11.4C 1999 Apr 30.74588 10.8C 1999 Apr 30.74631 10.9C 1999 Sep 23.42939 11.6C 1999 Sep 23.42981 11.5C 2000 Feb 24.83137 12.4C The position and magnitude are measured with USNO-A1.0 catalog. Taichi Kato pointed out that this object is probably identified with NSV 24062, a possible symbiotic star discovered by Yukio Sakurai in 1994 (cf. IAUC 6051). The position of NSV 24062 is R.A. 17h56m35s.54, Decl. -25o13'15".7 (1950.0), R.A. 17h59m40s.6, Decl. -25o13'24" (2000.0). Kato also pointed out that no observations have been reported since 1994 August. The angular distance between these two stars is 15 arcsec. Therefore, we must have recovered the outburst of this star. And the position in IAUC 6051 is probably inaccurate. Here is the magnitude reported in IAUC 6051. 1950 Jul 19B 1976 May 14-15B 1977 Jun 12R 1994 May 20 [12.5p 1994 Jun 17 [11.5p 1994 Jul 3 [11:p 1994 Jul 28.520 11.4p 1994 Aug 8.548 11.4p 1994 Aug 10.161 12.41V There is no data recorded in the IRAS Point Source Catalog, therefore it must be faint in IR-band in 1983. At the position of the star discovered in the MISAO Project, there is a bright star USNO-A2.0 0600.29859229, however, no data is recorded in the USNO-A1.0 catalog. USNO-A2.0 0600.29859229 17 59 39.613 -25 13 30.30 12.1R 14.2B Hitoshi Yamaoka investigated the DSS-1 and the DSS-2 images and found this star on them. On the DSS-1 blue UK Schmidt plate taken on Sept. 15, 1987, it was as bright as USNO-A1.0 0600.14859958, 15.2 mag(R), 16.8 mag(B). On the DSS-2 red UK Schmidt plate taken on Sept. 7, 1991, it was very bright, brighter than USNO-A1.0 0600.14861605, 11.7 mag(R), 15.0 mag(B), as bright as (or a bit brighter than) USNO-A1.0 0600.14850922, 11.2 mag(R), 11.8 mag(B), and a bit fainter than USNO-A1.0 0600.14874588, 10.9 mag(R), 12.2 mag(B). At the position of NSV 24062 described in IAUC 6051, there is no data recorded in the USNO-A1.0 and USNO-A2.0 catalogs, and no star was found on the DSS-1 and the DSS-2 images. But 10 arcsec from the position, there is a star USNO-A1.0 0600.14859811, 13.3 mag(R), 15.0 mag(B) = USNO-A2.0 0600.29861167, 12.5 mag(R), 15.3 mag(B). The finding chart of this star based on the Kadota's images is available at: Best regards, -- Seiichi Yoshida