Observers of the ordinary nova in IC 1613, just reported by the Lick team, may find the following BV photometric sequence useful. I have added Cousins R magnitudes in the final column derived from the fairly good but approximate relation: R = V - 0.508(B-V) + 0.040. The data are extracted from and in the format of my comprehensive photometric file located at: \Brian source: 1971ApJ...166...13S SANDAGE A. Astrophys. J., 166, 13-35 (1971) The distance of the Local Group galaxy IC 1613 obtained from Baade's work on its stellar content. Name RA (2000) Dec s GSC V B-V R IC 1613 B 1 04 38.1 +02 05 44 A 0019-0603 10.97 0.61 (10.62) IC 1613 T 1 04 50.4 +02 10 28 A 0019-0093 13.71 0.60 (13.37) IC 1613 G 1 05 13.0 +02 12 36 A 0019-0137 13.72 0.78 (13.28) IC 1613 A 1 04 45.1 +02 02 47 A 0019-0519 14.24 0.74 (13.82) IC 1613 H 1 04 48.7 +02 13 47 A 0019-0126 14.58 0.53 (14.27) IC 1613 26 1 04 33.5 +02 04 17 A 16.40 1.20 (15.75) IC 1613 17 1 04 46.7 +02 09 59 A 16.42 0.54 (16.11) IC 1613 28 1 04 49.8 +02 03 38 A 17.02 1.37