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[vsnet-alert 3587] HST observations of XTE J1859+226 - Oct 18

Thanks very much to everyone who observed XTE J1859+226
as a result of our previous alert.

We now have HST observations of this source (most likely an
accretion disk emptying into a black hole) scheduled for
October 18th 1999 02:00-09:18 UT, and supporting ground-based 
observations  (simultaneous, near-simultaneous, and following the
evolution over days/weeks) would be extremely helpful.

There will be pointed XTE observations scheduled simultaneously with HST
(or as near as possible), but we do not yet know the timing of

If you can observe simultaneously with HST and/or XTE, high time-resolution
data (< 10 seconds) will be particularly useful. It will also
be very useful to know what the source did in the gaps between our
exposures, appended below.

Details of the target are given in IAU circs 7274, 7276, and 7279.

The coordinates are R.A. = 18h58m41s.51, Decl. = +22o39'30".2 (J2000.0).

Garnavich et al. (IAUC 7276) give a finder chart at 

               Many thanks,

                        Carole Haswell

Here is the detailed timing of the HST science exposures of XTE J1859+226.
All Times are UT on October 18, 1999.

Time		Activity
--------	--------
02:18:25	begin expsoure 2 (science) Far-UV spectroscopy
02:57:05        end exposure 2

03:41:10        begin exposure 3 (science) Near-UV spectroscopy
04:20:21        end exposure 3

05:17:53        begin exposure 4 (science) Far-UV spectroscopy
05:57:23	end exposure 4

06:05:27	begin exposure 5 (science) Near-UV spectroscopy
06:10:28	end exposure 5

07:11:44        end wavelength calibration, exposure 6 (science),
                STIS buffer dump and readout, and exposure 7 (science)
                                           Optical Spectroscopy

07:16:18        begin exposure 9 (science) Red/IR spectroscopy
07:31:22	end exposure 9

08:31:19        begin exposure 11 (science) Far-UV spectroscopy
09:10:49	end exposure 11

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