MACHO Alert 99-BLG-58 Date: Mon, 30 Aug 1999 13:56:07 -0700 (PDT) From: User Macho <> Dear Colleagues- The MACHO project has detected a candidate microlensing event in progress towards the Galactic bulge. Event 99-BLG-58 Star ID 101.21042.5059 RA (J2000) 18:05:28.3 DEC (J2000) -27:16:21 V ~20.0 R ~19.3 A ~1.9 and rising on 30 Aug, expected peak near 15 Sep, duration 64 +/- 25 days. Finding charts and lightcurves are available on the web page at or ftp site directories macho/Alert/99-*. If you wish to no longer receive these bulletins please notify us at