EP Car brightening Rod Stubbings reports that EP Car is brightening (vsnet-obs 20429). EP Car was classified as M: in GCVS, but it can be a long-period dwarf nova. Follow-up observations, esp. multicolor photometry, astrometry and spectroscopy, to reveal its nature are encouraged. YYMMDD(UT) mag observer 990116.512 <140 (R. Stubbings) 990218.483 <145 (R. Stubbings) 990220.508 <146 (R. Stubbings) 990403.456 <140 (R. Stubbings) 990421.404 <150 (R. Stubbings) 990503.411 150 (R. Stubbings) 990504.368 143 (R. Stubbings) Regards, Taichi Kato