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[vsnet-alert 1687] SN 1998ar

Dear all,

Besides very bright SNe 1998S and 1998aq, there appears another SN in
NGC 2916. This SN named as 1998ar was discovered on Apr 14 by BAO
team when it was 18.4 mag. The day next, it rose to 18.2. 

The position of SN 1998ar is: R.A. = 9h34m58s.86, Decl. =
+21o42'57".5, which is 17" east and 39" north of the center of the
host. NGC 2916 is of type Sb. Spectroscpoy has not been reported. 

The recession velocity is 3665 km s-1 (RC3 value), from which the
distance is estimated as about 3 times beyond Virgo cluster. It is
further than SNe 1998S or 1998aq, but nearer than SNe 1998ab or
1998an. If it were of type Ia, it would shine at 14+ mag at maximum,
and if of the other type, 16+ mag is expected. Following observation
and spectroscopic confirmation is encourged.

Hitoshi Yamaoka, Kyushu Univ., Japan

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