According to AAVSO News Flash No. 195, the SU UMa-type dwarf nova V503 Cyg may be entering a new supercycle. The outburst has been possibly caught on its rise. Time-resolved photometric observations might be interesting since V503 Cyg may be sometimes regarded as an intermediate object between usual SU UMa-type dwarf novae and ER UMa (RZ LMi) stars, which have been known to show large-amplitude superhumps at the very earliest stage of superoutbursts. Observations: 1997 Sep. 04.924 <15.6 G. Poyner 05.0688 15.6 J. Bortle (AAVSO News Flash No. 195) 05.2299 14.0 T. Burrows (AAVSO News Flash No. 195) 05.258 14.40V R. Zissell (AAVSO News Flash No. 195) Regards, Taichi Kato