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[vsnet-alert 748] Possible ALEXIS EUV Transient

The ALEXIS Satellite has detected a transient source in Telescope 2A (130 
Angstroms). There is no evidence of the source in the co-aligned 2B 
telescope (186 Angstroms).

Position    : RA = 16 47 23.6  DEC = -31 41 26.7 Epoch = J2000
Error Circle: +/- 0.5 Degrees (90% confidence)

The source appeared to turn on at ~ 8:00 UT 1997 Feb 23
and was still active in the most recent
ALEXIS data at 21:00 UT 1997 Feb 23.

A quick check of SIMBAD and the ROSAT X-ray Catalog shows no obvious 
counterpart listed.

Followup observations are encouraged.

Jeffrey Bloch					Office:    (505) 665-2568
Astrophysics and Radiation Measurements Group	ALEXIS SOC:(505) 665-5975
Los Alamos National Laboratory			FAX:	   (505) 665-4414
Group NIS-2, Mail Stop D436		e-mail:    jbloch@lanl.gov
Los Alamos, NM 87545		 Digital Pager:	   (505)665-9800 #104-8074

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