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[vsnet-alert 656] EG Cnc stopped fading

Happy new year with EG Cnc, bringing an exciting closing of 1996 and a
shiny opening of 1997!

    CCD observations at Ouda Station (Kyoto University) on Dec. 31 show
EG Cnc again reached a plateau after the recent major post-outburst

  CNCEG    961231.524 16.27V Oud
  CNCEG    961231.708 16.31V Oud

    The object continues to show definite superhumps with a period of
0.0606 day, and not of 0.058 day (cf. CVC 120, also vsnet-obs 4688)
claimed to be detected by T. Vanmunster during the decline.  The long
persistence of the 0.060-day superhump periodicity in the Ouda data since
the first rebrightening suggests that the cycle of repetitive short outbursts
is unrelated to the growth or decay time of superhumps (cf. vsnet-alert 654,
Kuulkers and Howell).

Taichi Kato

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