THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF VARIABLE STAR OBSERVERS 25 Birch Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA Tel. 617-354-0484 Fax 617-354-0665 INTERNET: * * * AAVSO NEWS FLASH * * * Subject: UV Per No. 5 March 19, 1996 ________________________________________________________________________________ UV PERSEI BRIGHTENS AGAIN UV Per recently returned to minimum following a narrow outburst (see News Flash No. 4). The star has now begun to brighten again as indicated by the following observations: UT JD Mag. Observer MAR 18.009 2450160.509 15.40 CCDV (R. Zissell, USA) MAR 18.792 2450161.292 14.1 (L. T. Jensen, Denmark) MAR 19.03 2450161.53 12.6 (G. Dyck, USA) MAR 19.045 2450161.545 12.56 CCDV (Zissell) MAR 19.06 2450161.56 12.6 (Dyck) MAR 19.10 2450161.6 12.6 (Dyck) Please monitor UV Per closely and phone-in, fax, or e-mail your observations to the AAVSO. Good observing! Janet A. Mattei ________________________________________________________________________________ AAVSO NEWS FLASH is a new electronic publication of the AAVSO intended to provide observers with timely information on unusual variable star activity. The basis of the data in this publication will be the observations reported to AAVSO Headquarters. The AAVSO NEWS FLASH will not replace the AAVSO Alert Notice. It will be more frequent and shorter. If you would like to contribute to AAVSO NEWS FLASH, please send observations of unusual variable star activity to: Please include the words NEWS FLASH in the subject line of your message. If you are affiliated with a variable star organization besides the AAVSO, and you wish that group to be indicated with the observations that you provide, please give the specific name of the organization or group and its abbreviation. Those who wish to unsubscribe to NEWS FLASH may do so by sending a message to: If you would like data from the AAVSO International Database for research purposes, please send your request to: Janet Mattei, AAVSO Director, at We look forward to including your observations in future editions of AAVSO NEWS FLASH! ________________________________________________________________________________