>From PHYS162@cantva.canterbury.ac.nz Tue Jan 31 07:33:56 1995 To: brian%cfaps1.DECNET@cfa.harvard.edu Cc: nova@nova.la.asu.edu X-Vms-To: BGM X-Vms-Cc: NOVANET Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT Nova Circini 1995 J2000 astrometric position measured by Pam Kilmartin from a film obtained with the 0.15-m f/15 astrograph at Mt John by Alan Gilmore on 1995 January 29.55 UT. R.A. (2000.0) Dec. h m s o ' " Nova Circini 1995 14 44 53.48 -63 53 55.6 RMS residual on eight PPM South reference stars was 0".1 in RA and 0".4 in declination. ------------- Photometry: the error estimate on the U-B measure of Jan. 29.449 was miskeyed. It should have been 0.05 magnitude. Further photometry was obtained on the same night at Mt John with the 0.6-m f/13 reflector. Measures are listed separately below. Errors are likely to be around 0.02 magnitude in all colours except U-B where the error is likely to be 0.05 magnitude, and too red. Due to problems with our U filter bandpass the nova's true U-B is likely to be around -0.50. U.T. V U-B B-V V-R V-I Air mass 1995 Jan. 29.448 7.92 -0.44 +0.37 +1.52 +1.72 2.15 29.451 7.90 -0.45 +0.39 +1.48 +1.70 2.13 29.519 7.89 -0.46 +0.37 +1.49 +1.71 1.68 29.525 7.89 -0.48 +0.36 +1.50 +1.72 1.64 29.531 7.89 -0.47 +0.36 +1.50 +1.72 1.61 29.537 7.89 -0.47 +0.37 +1.49 +1.71 1.58 Alan Gilmore & Pam Kilmartin.